Wednesday, 22 July 2015

The Mystery of Providence

The Mystery of Providence 

John Flavel, 1678

The Banner of Truth Trust, 2006

John Flavel was a Puritan minister and author.  He lived and preached during times that were very difficult for non-conformists.   If you enjoy history you may enjoy reading about his life.

I had bought this book a few years ago but never got around to reading it, until this summer when Tim Challies invited his readers to a read-along of this book, and I started it then. 

 This is a book that I can't recommend to all - at least not to everyone, in all stages of life.   Although his ideas are Biblical and I think what he says is very good, the way he says it is very wordy, compared even to the other Puritans I've read (which admittedly are only a few).   You need some good uninterrupted chunks of time to read this book and the ability to read very long sentences and to follow long logical thoughts.  I do wish I had kept notes instead of just highlighting throughout the book, but I didn't know I was going to try writing out reviews when I started it.  

Flavel divides the book into three parts.

Part one is about the evidence of Providence.  He urges us to look around us, and to look back on our lives, to recognise God's hand upon us, in giving us life, in giving us our families and work, and in converting us.   He also teaches us how active God is in preserving His people from evil, either keeping them safe physically or preventing them from doing evil, and also in sanctifying His people, by working both inwardly by the Spirit and by acts of Providence.   In my Christian life I've noticed some people denying God's working, almost like they believe in coincidence, and who discouraged me from thinking God was behind various things, and this section was a good remedy for that sort of thought and habit. 

I really liked what he said about conversions at different ages.  So many people who come to Christ at a young age can later worry about the fact that they don't remember exactly when or how they came to faith.  Flavel writes:

Conversion, as to the subjects of it, may be considered two ways; either as it is more clearly wrought in persons of riper years, who in their youthful days were more profane and vile; or upon persons in their tender years, into whose hearts grace was more imperceptibly and indiscernibly instilled by God's blessing upon pious education.  In the former sort, the distinct acts of the Spirit, illuminating, convincing, humbling, drawing them to Christ and sealing them are more evident and discernible.  In the latter, these are more obscure and confused.  They can remember that God gave them an esteem and liking of godly persons, care of duty and conscience of sin; but as to the time, place, instruments and manner of the work, they can give but a slender account of them.   However, if the work is savingly wrought in them, there is no reason they should be troubled because the circumstances of it are not so evident to them as they are to others.  Let the substance and reality of the work appear and there is no reason to afflict yourselves because of the lack of evidence of such circumstances.  p 61

The second part is about meditating on the Providence of God.   Flavel points out our duty of meditating on God's Providence,  reminding us from the Scriptures that God commanded His people to remember His works, and that the neglect of this is condemned as a sin.   We cannot thank God properly, if we do not observe the works of Providence, and we lose the benefits of His works (remembering His past providences to us strengthens our faith in the tough times that will come later).  He tells us how we should meditate and tells us of the advantages of doing so.

A great part of the pleasure and delight of the Christian life is made out of the observations of Providence. 'The works of the Lord are great, sought out of all them that have pleasure therein' (Psalm 111:2).  p 147

 The last part is about applying the doctrine of Providence.   He deals with practical implications, and some practical problems (how can I know what God's will is when everything seems so dark in my life, for example) and finishes with telling us why it's such a good idea to record our experiences  of Providence.  Not only does doing so help our memories, but our recordings can be a blessing to other people and help them too.   I don't have a lot of big dramatic examples (although I do have one fairly big one), but a fair few smaller ones, still encouraging, and I'm sure there are lots of things I have forgotten.  It's never too late to start, though, so I do hope to get to writing one very soon.  Just last night my error in not returning my set of chapel keys to their normal place in my home, turned out to be a blessing as my friend had not picked up the right set of keys before picking me up for music practice, and my having the keys meant we didn't have to turn around and go all the way back 4 miles to get them.    A small thing indeed (but it showed that even our mistakes, which we know are in God's hands, can be used later for good), but wouldn't it be good to have a whole book of them?  To see tracings of God's hands throughout our lives must surely be at least a little encouraging to ourselves and our families and friends.   I think that for me, that the big ideas I have taken away - for this reading of Flavel's book, anyway - is to recognise God's working in our lives, and to write down such occasions!

          Every man loves the mercies of God, but a saint loves the God of his mercies.  John Flavel

(Thanks to my son for helping me proofread.)

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Happy Saturday!

Psalm 117:2

For great is his steadfast love toward us,
    and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.



Proverbs in the Simplified Cowboy Version


Simplified Cowboy Version

I came across the Simplified Cowboy Version by reading posts on Facebook from the "Save the Cowboy" organization, which is an outreach to working cowboys and others from that environment.    I bought the book of Proverbs in the SCV for one of my sons for Christmas, and then got one for myself a few months later.   

It's written by Kevin Weatherby and published by Save the Cowboy.  Copyright 2014.

The Simplified Cowboy Version is definitely a paraphrase and isn't meant to replace the reading of proper translations of the Bible.  On the Acknowledgments page it says:

The Simplified Cowboy Version is not a bible.  It was never intended to be a bible, nor should it be thought of as such.  The SCV is a bible paraphrase intended to merely catch a glimpse of the bible's deep wisdom, and most importantly, to see Jesus Christ, though the eyes of a working ranch cowboy. 

We hope that this book will encourage the reading for the real word of God. 

Here are a few verses and passages to give you some of the flavor of the book:
Proverbs 1:7, 8, 9
Respect the Lord and do what he says.  This is the key to understandin'.  Only an idiot will turn away from wisdom and discipline.

Listen up my son to what your daddy has to say.  Don't turn your back on what your momma has taught ya.   Wear what you've learned from them as proudly as you'd wear a custom cowboy hat or a pair of handmade boots.  

Proverbs 5: 15 - 18
Don't try to taste the water from another man's well.  In other words, don't jack [cheat - KB] with another man's jenny.  Having kids by women other than your wife ain't nothin' to be proud of and will do you no good.  Your kids should grow up in your house so they can help you on your ranch, not your neighbor's spread.

Be happy with your wife and don't ever stop lookin' at her the way you first did.   

Proverbs 13:13
If you don't listen to God, don't be surprised when you pay a high price.  Pay attention to his word and you'll get a double reward.

Proverbs 14: 17, 21, 23
A hot temper is like a neon sign for foolish living.  Nobody wants to ride with a fool like that.

It ain't right to hate other people, but there's a handsome reward for those that are nice to the poor.

Ride with those that have calloused hands, because smooth hands and empty words are the paths that lead to struggles.  

I enjoy reading this because of the way the author puts things - it's a very "down-homey" type of read.  Some of the turns of phrase are humorous.  The author does put things in ways that cowboys would actually use, so some words might seem a bit earthy for some readers.  Nothing really strong, and nothing that farmers, ranchers, cowboys, and general country people would find too much, I think, but city folk might be a little taken aback.   

I find this book helpful because it makes me stop and think about each of the proverbs as opposed to just reading them through.  They are different to the other versions of Proverbs that I read,  and that slows me down, often as I visualize the picture presented, which aids in my thinking about them. 

The SCV is also available in Matthew and Romans, and will soon be available in the epistle of James as well.  


Friday, 10 July 2015

A Christian's Pocket Guide to the Papacy

A Christian's Pocket Guide to the Papacy

It's origin and role in the 21st century

 by Leonardo de Chirico
Christian Focus Publications, Ltd
Scotland  2015
Paperback ISBN 978-1-78191-299-7

I bought this book primarily because I wanted to read something by this author.  I was familiar with some of his work from his website and something he had written about the state of evangelical churches in Italy.  I'm also interested in the topic, at least inasmuch as how the papacy affects Catholics today in their affiliation with the Roman Catholic church.  I'm no expert reviewer, but as I said in my first post this is partly an exercise in getting me to think more about what I've read.  So this is a personal unpacking of the book, but I do hope to represent it accurately here.  

Pastor de Chirico's book is not long but it is quite dense with facts and ideas.   It starts with a discussion of the titles and symbols of the Papacy, and then alternates chapters on the history of it  with chapters that look at how Biblical an idea the Papacy is, and how early Protestants and other reformers viewed it.  The last two chapters are about the three most recent popes and how the Roman Catholic church deals with conflicting ideas and doctrines, and then a look at the topic of ecumenicism. 

I found the chapter on the scriptures the Papacy is supposed to be based on, and then the next-to-last chapter the most helpful.   It was good to read an explanation of what the Bible verses actually meant.  What was the rock that Jesus talked about when He said He'd build His church on it?  What were the keys that He was giving to Peter (I had not known this was a reference to Isaiah 22:22 before)?  Was Peter really the Big Man on Campus of the early church? 

In chapter 6 it was interesting to read about John Paul II, Benedict XVI, and Francis, but what was really helpful to me in learning more about the Roman Catholic church, and hopefully will be helpful when I have occasion to talk with Roman Catholics about such matters, was to learn about how the church assimilates different ideas into it without letting go of old ideas.  Sort of the Borg of religious institutions.  This explained a lot to me about why they hold to things that didn't seem to go together in my mind.  And why so much syncretism in certain cultures (for example in Mexico) goes so unchallenged.  

In the last chapter I was reminded how important it is when talking with people from a different group, to make sure that the terms are the same or that at least you understand what someone else means.  Pastor de Chirico explains some terms that are quite different for the Roman Catholics than they would be to a Protestant or evangelical.

Throughout the book there are little symbols beside some notes that are extra to the text.  They are "warning" "don't forget" "stop and think" and "point of interest."  On the "stop and think" ones I wished I had someone to discuss them with as I was reading them.

As a Reformed Christian it was interesting to read about the Reformer's view of the Papacy,  as a Christian it was good to be taken through the scriptures once again with a good explanation of them, and in future I hope some of the things I've learned will be helpful in talking about the Gospel with others. 

You can read more about Leonardo de Chirico here:

Bible memory app

I bought a Bible memory app yesterday from the Apple app store.   Unfortunately it seems to be available only for Apply products, but if you have an Iphone, etc and are interested in Bible memory, I really recommend it. 

The King James Version on it is free. You do have to pay for other versions, but I already consider it money well spent to purchase the ESV to match the version that my church uses and that I use in my personal reading. 

There are several activities to do to familiarize yourself with the verse or passage, and games that test your knowledge of the verse (filling in the blank, putting verses into their correct order, for example).  These have helped me de-muddle myself from having learned some verses in another version - I think I have just about got "in all that he does, he prospers" down now instead of "whatsoever he doeth!"

If you are interested, do have a look here:

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

New books!

These are my newest book;  books I ordered when I was going back to the US (first time in 17 years!) in June, to bring back in my suitcase.  Currently I am reading Leonardo de Chirico's A Christian's Pocket Guide to the Papacy. The pocket guides I bought from Westminster Bookstore ( ) because they were on sale if you bought five, and I wanted Pastor de Chirico's book and then, well, it was a sale after all!   Others I bought (some from Amazon, too) because I had heard of them and thought they would be good, or because I spotted them and just wanted to read them.  The book on Mark I wanted because I am doing a study on Mark and thought it would be good to read more than just one commentary on it. 

Michael Horton's systematic theology went in my carry-on as I was afraid my suitcase was overloaded.  "That's a bit heavy," was a comment I heard if anyone lifted my carry-on.  "Yes, it is, rather," I replied with as innocent a face as I could muster.  

And of course I took books I already owned with me to the US as well, although I didn't read very many.  The Kindle came along too and I found it quite useful while on the plane.

Welcome to my new blog

Hello and welcome to my new blog.   I decided to start one in order to provoke myself to reflect a bit more on what I read, and one of the best ways to reflect, for me, is in writing.  So I thought I would set down in a blog some of the thoughts I have while I read, or after I have read them.

I am in no way a professional, and this really is an exercise for my own self-improvement, but I hope that some of my friends will enjoy reading my posts and perhaps others, either friends or strangers, will want to pick up and read some of the books as well.